
World of warships naval academy
World of warships naval academy

world of warships naval academy

Even the best WW2 destroyers have very little chance of closing to fight a WW1 battleship, and if he should manage to get lucky enough to do so, his puny 6 pounder will bounce shells off the old lady while she dumps a few hundred shells from her secondary batteries into him. The simple fact is that, unlike WoT or WoWP, WoW will have ships which are tiered alike, but which have vastly different capacities. He will believe, based on his experience in other games, that his personal survival and accumulation of rewards is the primary goal when in fact it is the survival of the fleet and it's heaviest hitting ships which can turn the tide of battle which should be his primary goal. The concept of mutual support so important to fleet actions and the concept of fleet roles is not somethig the casual gamer has explored in any detail. Instead we will see ships of all classes in each tier, and with no opportunity for noob battleship players to learn what a destroyer can do prior to setting sail he will be oblivious to the strengths of the tin can, while the tin can sailor, oblivious to the vulnerabilities of carriers, will avoid the torp spread heading to his fleet's main support ship to save his own ship. I had rather hoped that WG would implement a learning curve in their tech trees, such that a player would have to progress up the chain from the lighter, more insignificant ships to the great battlewagons, but that isn't the plan. It will have to be taught, and teaching in game may hurt feelings as well as win%. I'd like to propose some kind of official or semi-official, or heck, any kind, of training academy for players, because most of this won't be learnable by intuition and trial and error. To be successful in a fleet one must often do things which conflict with personal gain and/or survival: for example, destroyers intercepting torpedoes intended for the heavier ships. I've spent some time reading the history of naval warfare and playing various nautical wargames, and it is abundantly clear that most shooters and MMO's will not have prepared players for team-based naval combat.

World of warships naval academy